I'm going to be speaking at an event at Christchurch’s central library (Turanga) at the end of the month ("Moving around a 21st century city", 2-4 pm, Sunday 30th May). It's about how to get more people on public transport. It is normal to take a dog on the bus or the underground in London or on trains all over Europe. You can’t take them on any public transport here in New Zealand (except the ferry).
Reasons to Be Cheerful - Dog Borrowing
We are still missing Billie and we aren't ready to get another dog. But we are able to borrow a dog from up the road when the owners go away. He is a proper Jack Russell and chases everything. One time he stayed with us he escaped at 4 o'clock in the morning and we had to give up trying to get him back. He was chasing possums and the boyf was out on the street calling him back, wearing only a T-shirt, underpants and a pair of Blundstone boots. He saw Jack going in and out of people’s yards on the chase but felt he couldn't really follow him into our neighbours’ properties, in the middle of the night, dressed like that. I was up the road seeing if Jack would return to his home. He didn't.
We left the front door open and it was over an hour later that we heard the tic tic tic of his nails on the floorboards as he slunk back in.
Now he is ALWAYS on the lead with us.
Or on a very long rope.
Dog on a rope
Reasons to Be Cheerful: I'm on Cartoonstock
I’m testing out licensing of my cartoons via Cartoonstock - please get in contact if you’d like to use a particular comic or illustration that isn’t featured here.
Read MoreIllustrated Epistle: Tramping in New Zealand
Hiking in New Zealand With Our Dog
I discovered that Oxford Forest allows dogs, plus the tracks take you through native forest (you can see photos on a previous post) with the sound of bellbirds all around.
It had been years since I had done an overnight walk and camp and I consulted my essential tramping list to make sure I didn't forget anything:
- Down sleeping bag (I HATE being cold), silk liner, mat, tent
- boots, lightweight shoes, walking poles (I used to scoff at these, but they really prevent you becoming tired)
- cap, raincoat, warm hat, gloves, down jacket
- lightweight towel, two sets of underwear, merino t-shirt, merino long shirt, two fleeces, trousers, leggings, (maybe) shorts, Buff scarf
- glasses, contact solution, ear plugs, toothbrush & paste, deodorant (longer trips), medical kit, sunscreen, insect repellent
- rubber bands, headlamp (I have one that takes rechargeable AA batteries), camera, phone
- matches, fork & spoon, camp cookware, plate, penknife, cooker, gas, water bottle
- book, notepad and pencil/pen, cards (if I'm going to be in a hut with other people)
- tea, nuts & raisins (or trail mix, if I've been organised. Not on this trip.), crackers, salami, cheese, prunes, 2 minute noodles, tuna, chocolate, ginger nuts (the only biscuit that is nearly indestructible)
It was a nice short tramp, taking just over an hour to hike to the beautiful Ryde Falls where we camped for the night. The night was cold, but starry and we wore nearly all our layers and shared a lot of red wine (part of Duncan's essential packing list) to keep warm. Billie retreated to the fleece blanket in the tent.
Billie is much improved after last month's scare. He is still walking like a drunk and did fall down a small bank on the walk but he was happy and acted like he did on the Coast to Coast, barking at us to get going if we stopped for more than 5 minutes. Which was fine as the sandflies would turn up after that. Maori legend has it that sandflies were created to keep people from being idle and it feels that way when you are tramping.
This is an excerpt from my Illustrated Epistle, which goes out in the middle of the month. It is a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a cartoonist (specifically, mine). You can sign up at the bottom of this page, or here (and unsubscribe if you don’t like it, or even if you do):