I'm going to be speaking at an event at Christchurch’s central library (Turanga) at the end of the month ("Moving around a 21st century city", 2-4 pm, Sunday 30th May). It's about how to get more people on public transport. It is normal to take a dog on the bus or the underground in London or on trains all over Europe. You can’t take them on any public transport here in New Zealand (except the ferry).
Living in New Zealand: Dog Friendly Mini Break in Peel Forest
It's handy to have friends with holiday homes. We spent a weekend in one in Peel Forest. Our friends have a lovely big dog called Fred who tolerated Molly very well. Molly made herself quite at home.
Because there is a lot of agriculture in the area, you can't swim in the rivers. It's a shame as there is a beautiful river walk in Geraldine, but even the dogs aren't supposed to drink the water.
Geraldine river walk
At least there are a lot of dog friendly walks and Molly and Fred had a great time. Well, Molly did for sure.
The best part of the trip was going to see friends of our friends who have built a house in the woods. There is a QEII covenant on the land and we walked through a forest with lots of old native trees (checking trap lines that had caught hedgehogs and a feral cat). It was beautiful and Molly preferred it to swimming in the river
Molly, me, Fred and a kahikatea
Homebound puppy was exhausted