Living in New Zealand: Garden Invaders (This Time it's Ducks)

When we moved back to New Zealand a couple of years ago, one of the first things we had to do was fence out the neighbours sheep. I wanted to plant trees, vegetables and fruit and the sheep wanted to eat them. After they broke through the fence a couple of times, we put in a better fence and then I just had to deal with the possums (I still haven’t managed to trap a single one). 

Then I saw that the neighbours had got chickens. Luckily the chickens seem to like hanging out with the sheep and so far haven't begun to scratch around my seedlings. The same seemed to be the case for the floppy eared rabbit that kept escaping from other neighbours up the hill.

But now we are being invaded by a family of ducks. They are wild and don't belong to anyone, and are fearless too. It takes a considerable amount of shooing to get them to leave my garden.

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Let's hope this year is when we get our new dog who might do a better job at chasing them away than I do.

New Zealand Garden Diary: Perennial Edibles and Sleeping Bumble Bees

This summer is very cool and my tomatoes, courgettes and pumpkins are sulking, but the beans are getting going and the bees and I are enjoying the flowers in my garden, including the artichokes.

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And there are some edible plants that keep going and going. I love how the walking onions are gradually moving around the vegetable patch.