I am trying and failing to have a single-use-plastic-free July. As I mentioned before I have found some positive alternatives, like compostable crisp bags and making my own oat milk. But I have inadvertently bought plastic wrapping as well. I bought merino wool tops online and they arrived in plastic bags in a plastic envelope. And I was excited to buy lilies to plant in the garden, only to realise after the purchase that they were in little plastic bags. And I haven't been buying salted peanuts, but I have been eating the peanuts that the boyfriend bought.
Although I haven't succeeded in being plastic free, I have reduced the amount of plastic I buy and it has made me a lot more aware of where the plastic comes from that ends up in my recycling bin or landfill. But really it highlights how even the most motivated consumers cannot provide the solution to our huge plastic waste problem. We have to incentivise producers, particularly food producers, to use plastic free alternatives in their packaging.