By this point in the trip I had learned that it was a good idea to let the big groups of electric bikers past me at some point. Before we got to Lake Benmore I took my first tea break and let them ride on by.
This section had a lot of squeeze barriers that you have to get off your bike for so it pays not to be behind a lot of riders.
Like a lot of lakes in New Zealand the edges are thick with introduced willow trees
The newest, trickiest and most fun part of the A2O trail is the section between Sailors Cutting and Lake Benmore dam. Unfortunately, I got stuck behind one very wobbly rider who was not confident enough on her electric bike to stop to let me go past, even though there were plenty of passing points. So I stopped for an extra long tea break at the next peak that had stunning views over the lake.
Then it was a fun, winding ride around. The track is at least 1.5 m wide and there is fencing along the steepest drop offs so I was never afraid. And I'm a real scaredy-cat.
After my spectacular skinny-dip it was a bit of a climb to the top where you could look over Lake Benmore dam and down over Otematata. I stopped for lunch at the top.
After I freewheeled down to the town I stopped for a last swim in the lake below. Swam out to a raft with a white heron on it. I meant to leave it alone but it flew away so that I could go and dive from it. And an apple tree beside it had sweet little apples to follow my flask of tea and chocolate.
It was worth stopping a lot this day, because there isn't much to Otematata apart from a friendly pub. We stayed in one of the apartments behind for $110.
Forgot to put down my times, but it wasn’t too much.