Happy Holidays and a Reason to be Cheerful (Puppy!)

I'm not sure how long this will last, given that everyone in New Zealand seems to have forgotten about the pandemic raging around the world, but we are still Covid free here and it is wonderful as we head into the summer holiday season.


It's a bit late for Christmas, but if you know someone who needs cheering up, or you would like to buy a fun book for your e-reader (because it is full colour, the print version is a bit pricey unless you want to REALLY treat yourself), Reasons to be Cheerful could be right up your alley.

Ebook: https://books2read.com/cheerfulreasons

(You can search your favourite bookshop for the print version using the ISBN: 9780473542542)

Reasons to be Cheerful book cover

Reasons to be Cheerful book cover

And finally, we have a wonderful reason to be cheerful in our house this week. We picked up a Jack Russell puppy. Her name is Molly.


Expect to hear more about her once I am back to sleeping normally.

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